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UN-Zeolite is an excellent natural solution for improving the health and growth of aquatic animals in aquaculture ponds. Its ability to remove harmful toxins and maintain water quality makes it a valuable resource for fish farmers looking to increase their yields while promoting sustainability. Generally, zeolite functions as an ion exchanger and adsorbent to decontaminate water and wastewater in aquaculture. Our Nano Zeolite-Paste is used as water cleaner for pond where aquaculture practices take place. It is also known to contain good amounts of minerals and pH buffering agents that help in maintaining alkalinity of pond water. This paste works by binding to toxic compounds & heavy metals present at bottom of pond and making them inactive. Zeolite-Paste can also absorb ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, & toxic acids that can have deadly effects on fishes and prawns.

Features: Helps in better reproduction, Assures pollution free ecosystem, Regulates pH of water.