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ANIMAL NUTRITION CAL- PRO -Mineral Mixture (Paste)

CAL-PRO is a mineral mixture containing all the essential minerals in required quantities. Feeding area specific mineral mixture should be preferred. Change in hair colour due to copper deficiency Iodine deficiency causing enlargement of thyroid gland and zinc deficiency causing Lachrymation. Helps improving growth rate in calves. Usually, compound cattle feed contains mineral mixture at varying levels, however, additional requirement can be met by mixing it with feed. Better utilization of absorbed nutrients increases milk production in animals, improves reproductive efficiency and reduces inter- calving period. It also Increases productive life of animals.

Minerals are required by dairy animals for their metabolic functions, growth, milk production, reproduction and health. Animal cannot synthesise minerals inside its body and usually feeds and fodders fed to the dairy animals do not provide all the minerals in the required quantity.